
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Teeny Tiny!

June at Dezinaworld has the theme this week as Teeny Tiny for her spot prize challenge. This little Sizzix die box was the first thing that came to my mind. I pictured it with a bottle of stickles(because I'm pretty sure we all know how big, or small they are!) I added glitter, and stickles to the pattern of the paper, and micro beads to the flowers. I almost had to get the reading glasses out for this one, but I managed!! So this to me is Teeny Tiny! Click on the link above to go to her site and see all the other teeny things!!


  1. I sleep with my reading glasses! This is so cute and yes it is, Teeny Tiny!

  2. That's a gorgeous box! I love little boxes and you have added beautiful decoration to it!

  3. Beautiful box, I love the Stickles on it too. ~Diane

  4. That is *indeed* teeny tiny but completely fabulous!! LOVE your sweet little box. :)

  5. Fantastic tiny box, Pam. And I do mean tiny!!! It's lovely.

  6. Hi Pam!!!
    What an adorable "teeny tiny!" and oh gosh, so much work!!! I LOVE it!!!

  7. Ohhh Pam, this is fabulous, what a beauty. thank you so much for joining in the Dezinaworld spot prize challenge. I am so sorry for the delay and will be sorting out a winner today
    take care for now

  8. Great Teeny Tiny box Pam. Congratulations on winning the Dezinaworld Spot Prize Challenge. :-) xx


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