
Friday, September 9, 2011

September workshop time!

Happy Friday everyone! Here are the cards for my Sept. workshop, which is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 18th, from 3-5p.m.  Some fall themed cards, and one last summer card. I've been busy the past few weeks, and haven't posted much. I know I've said that in my other posts, but I'm starting to get ahead. Lots to do around the house here, and been busy selling on ebay. psmiles4ch0 is my user ID on ebay if anyone is interested! :)  Hope to get more blogging time in soon, and still haven't got a new camera yet! My old one is hanging in there! Have a great weekend!


  1. These cards are just BEAUTIFUL, Pam! Looks like you'll be doing some great techniques. Always a pleasure to see what you've been up to. I think your workshoppers are in for a real treat!!!

  2. Smashing set of cards, particularly love Make Waves, such beautiful colours.

  3. Love your cards, especially the framed tree. yvonne x

  4. Great cards, Pam. Wish I could make it this month, but can't. Hope to see you week after next!

  5. oh these are super cards hun,really love these just love that framed tree its gorgeous,bless you for your kind words hun,means a lot,hugs cherylxxxxxx


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