
Sunday, November 6, 2011

My First Digi Stamp!

Happy Sunday to you! I have ventured into drawing again. I used to be quite good ages ago, but as time went on, I stopped drawing all together. I got a spark the other day to start up again. And am very rusty! I managed to draw two snowman images, and June from Dezinaworld was gracious enough to turn them into digi stamps for me! She's such a dear! The pic above is what I'll use as a selling point. Below you will find my first ever free digi stamp just for you! I'm hoping to find time this week to draw some more images, and it is with paper and pencil! Thanks for stopping by, and let me know what you think of my marshmellow man!


  1. That is so adorable, Pam! Wow, I wouldn't even know where to begin to draw something myself. Kudos to you for starting up again!!! I hope you have a lot of fun. :)

  2. Love your cute mallowman, sounds like you enjoyed drawing him. Thankyou for the freebie.

  3. oh this is just so super cute hun,sounds like you had great fun,drawing this hugs cherylxxxx


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